Sunday, December 19, 2010


I ran into a stranger as he passed by,
'Oh excuse me please' was my reply.

He said, 'Please excuse me too;
I wasn't watching for you.'

We were very polite, this stranger and I.
We went on our way and we said goodbye.

But at home a different story is told,
How we treat our loved ones, young and old.

Later that day, cooking the evening meal,
My son stood beside me very still.

When I turned, I nearly knocked him down.
'Move out of the way,' I said with a frown.

He walked away, his little heart broken.
I didn't realize how harshly I'd spoken.

While I lay awake in bed,
small voice came to me and said,

'While dealing with a stranger,
common courtesy you use,
but the family you love, you seem to abuse.

Go and look on the kitchen floor,
You'll find some flowers there by the door.

Those are the flowers he brought for you.
He picked them himself: pink, yellow and blue.

He stood very quietly not to spoil the surprise,
you never saw the tears that filled his little eyes.'

By this time, I felt very small,
And now my tears began to fall.

I quietly went and knelt by his bed;
'Wake up, little one, wake up,' I said.

'Are these the flowers you picked for me?'
He smiled, 'I found 'em, out by the tree.

I picked 'em because they're pretty like you.
I knew you'd like 'em, especially the blue.'

I said, 'Son, I'm very sorry for the way I acted today;
I shouldn't have yelled at you that way.'
He said, 'Oh, Mom, that's okay.
I love you anyway.'

I said, 'Son, I love you too,
and I do like the flowers, especially the blue.'

Are you aware that if we died tomorrow, the company
that we are working for could easily replace us in
a matter of days.
But the family we left behind will feel the loss
for the rest of their lives.

And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more
into work than into our own family,
an unwise investment indeed,
don't you think?
So what is behind the story?

Do you know what the word FAMILY means?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I wonder

As I look through my window Wonder, from where does this
wind blow
There must be someone who made trees
And then made them move to and fro...
Often as I look into the burning sun
I start to think of HIM, the Greatest One
HE is the creator and protector of all
I am the creator and protector of none !
HE gave me eyes to see HIS grace
HE gave me a tongue just to praise
Today, as I think of my bad deeds...
All selfish talks and my worldly greeds...
My eyes get filled with tears and shame
With pain and sorrow, my heart bleeds...
For how long in this world will I stay?
Surely, I'll hve to leave one day
With the passge of time, I've realized
I m nothing but a being of clay !

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Are you really my friend?

Asma Bint Shameem :

I sit with you all day …I spend all my time with you
I reach out to you when I am bored…or have nothing to do

I call you to have fun or just hang around
I call you when I need a shoulder….I call you when I am down

But are you really my friend? That’s my question to you
Something you need to answer….if you are really true

Do you stop me from all evil and prevent me from all vice…
Or do you assist me in it with your immoral advice?

Do you take me to the Masjid and remind me it’s time to pray…
Or do you say, ‘You can pray later….it’s perfectly okay’?

When we spend time together… are there angels in the room…
Or do we trespass limits where only devils dare to loom?

Is our talk filled with that which pleases the Most High…
Or is it that which angers Him….something sure to annoy?

Do you ask me to sin along with you….not leave you to sin alone?
Have I mastered through you the ways of sin? Has my evil grown?

If I start to backbite, do you stop me midway
Or do you add a word or two, adding spice to what I say

Do you encourage me….when I try to be good
Or do you make FUN of me….just as a Kaafir would?

When I walk with you in Hijaab….am I a source of embarrassment…
Or when I pray in public places, is that your predicament?

Do you remind me of the importance…of the Qur’aan and Sunnah?
Do you guide me to the Way of Success….Salvation…and Jannah?

Do we fast while others eat and drink…do we pray while others sleep…
Or are we the ones whose company no Pious would like to keep?

Have you taught me what I need to know…or have you pushed me away
From the very things that can save me on Judgment Day

When my deeds will be shown to me….when I see my final end
Will I then thank Allah for having you as a friend?

Will I curse you when it is time…to get up from my grave
“I wish I never met you!” ….Is that what I will rave?

"Oh woe to me! Had I not taken you as a friend!"
“What evil company… lead me to such an end!”

On the Day of Judgment….amid chaos, confusion and disgrace
You too, will run away from me….you too, will turn your face

Will I then know… my dismay….the bitter reality
Will I then realize ….that you are in fact my enemy?

If you really are my friend….if that’s what you really say
Then you will care about my ‘book’….the one I'll hold that Day

You will help me to fill it….with goodness and piety
And from sin and transgression….to keep it empty

You will aid me to do good…..advise me if am wrong
You will assist me in righteousness…You will make my Deen strong

You will not take offence if I enjoin what is good
And forbid what’s evil…..That’s the right of Brotherhood

And if, truly, for the sake of Allaah….we love one another
Under the shade of His Throne is where we will meet each other

I will then, thank you for your company, advice and good counsel
And the time we spent together…for all that I will be grateful

Then, if I were to enter Heaven I would look for you and ask…
“Where is my companion….my true friend of the past?

In Jannah we will abide…there we will be together
For…you were MY TRUE FRIEND….for ever and ever.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Short Letter to Allah,

Dear Allah,
clear my mind of everything
save the thoughts of You

empty my heart of everything
save the longing for You

fill my emptiness with nothing
but the sufficiency of knowledge

soothe my loneliness with nothing
but the promise that You will never forsake me,

Your helpless servant
so much in need of Your Compassion do not reject my pleas, ya Ilahi
do not turn me away, ya Rabbi do not cast me off Your Path
do not leave me stranded without Your Love.

by Nur Jannah

Give me some sparkle

Ya Rabbi! O my Rabb!!!!

I want to say the most gracious things
But what I really shouldn't, I say,
Help me with your loving touch
So that my words brighten someone's day.

I want to do the most wonderful things
But what I really shouldn't, I do,
Guide me with your inspiration
So that I can carry my life through.

I want to dream the most beautiful dreams
But what others say so difficult I keep dreaming,
Tell me more about that everlasting Garden
Just the mention of which keeps my face beaming.

I want to think the most hopeful thoughts
But my mind just wanders around,
Whisper to me again your words of assurance
So that thought for others in me abound.

I want to write the most happy writing
But my pen fails me in what I write,
Why don't you make me Your pen
So that my words can reach new height.

I want to paint the most lively painting
But stale and lifeless is what I paint,
Give me some sparkle in my life's brush
So that I don't portray a perfect saint.

I want to sing the most melodious song
But even I am not moved by what I sing,
Let my voice play the tune of your love
So that to some soul joy may it bring.

I want to be like you want me to
But often I find my wish is not my command,
Help me harness the power from your blessing
So that my mind becomes your wish-wand.


Our test

We have been told numerous times
That the journey to Jannah is not a free ride.
Trials and tests we must all face
To distinguish between the true and weak-faith.

Many give up while on the true path
We can see that the weak-hearted never last.
True love for Allaah always sees us through
If you keep making duâ'aa, He'll respond to you.

Nay! He is not named Al-Mujeeb for nothing
Verily, Allaah truly is The Responsive.
The plea of His slave, He loves to Hear
Surely, can you believe that Allaah's not there?

Patience is a virtue that must be attained
By the Will of Allaah, Jannah will be gained.
With every hardship definitely comes ease
Allaah's our Witness, Al-Shaheed.

Along with patience comes gratitude
Allaah's The Loving, Al-Wadood.
Truly He loves us when we obey
If we stick to Islaam, we'll never go astray.

Tribulations befall those whom Allaah loves
Passing His tests makes you free like as a dove.
To know that you stuck through it with Him
Truly Allaah Knows all, He's Al-'Aleem!

by sister Umm Junayd

Test of faith

Blind are my eyes that can’t see the future
Watery they become when I remember the past
The ability to plan the outcome
yet walking in the dark to the pathway
of decisions that are predestined

Life a priceless gift from the One and Only Creator
A test of faith with obstacles at every turn
Judging at each corner to step ahead
Or return to the road not taken

Being a solider of Allah
yet the devil in my ear trying to lead me astray
Performing jihad though not a shedder of blood
Hijab, a symbol of faith, freedom, and modesty
Yet a prisoner in the eyes of the unbelievers

Judged by appearance as uneducated
But when I open my mouth
the words of wisdom enlighten the heart

Walking, talking sign of Islam
Yet perceived as unliberated
Misunderstood as a terrorist
yet practicing a religion which symbolizes peace

Those who choose to walk on the road
not taken only fool themselves
Though their outcome is predestined,
the power of supplication
and the will of the One and Only Creator
can rise a person from the pits of hell
To the door of heaven.

Spider and the fly

One day the spider said to the fly,
“You always pass my house, but never come inside.

“Is my house too dirty for your feet?
Why don't you come inside and have a seat?

“You avoid strangers, don't worry I understand,
but I am a very dear friend, and have only good things planned.

“My house is suitable for a queen, isn't it?
And so there are stairs in front, if you ever wish to visit.”

“Mr. Spider, I'm too clever,” was the answer of the fly.
“Go deceive someone else, but me, don't even try.

“Whoever climbs your stairs forever remains trapped,
Mr. Spider, I'm too smart, you should've thought of that!”

Now the spider said, “You think my house is too plain for you to see?
I want you to be happy, but it's obvious you don't care about me.

“Why don't you come inside and rest your tired wings?
Inside I have kept for you many beautiful things.

“My house is made of mirrors, you'd have a lot of fun.
I have the most comfortable beds that aren't for just anyone.”

The fly answered, “All this is nice, but an offer from you will never take.
I know better than to sleep on your bed from which I would never awake.”

The spider was impressed by the cleverness of the fly,
“But how can I trap her?” He thought, “how can I try?

“Flattery!” He thought, “it's almost like a rule,
flatter can transform any clever thing into a fool.

“Oh respected lady!” Said the spider, “please don't think I'd deceive you!
You are very smart, not to mention beautiful too.

Your head is decorated in jewels, and your eyes sparkle everyday.
You are gorgeous, intelligent and good. Just perfect in every way.”

As the spider continued to flatter her, the fly became more impressed.
“I have no need to fear you,” she said, “I can get rid of my stress.

“Refusing someone's offer is not a good thing to do;
breaking someone's heart is terribly painful too.”

So with confidence the fly flew towards the spider,
As she landed on the sticky web the spider quickly caught her.

The foolishness of the fly cost her a great deal,
But the spider's hunger vanished, having eaten a delicious meal.

Poet :Anonymous

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Smile is contagious

He smiled at a sorrowful stranger.
The smile seemed to make him feel better.

The stranger remembered past kindness of a friend
And wrote him a thank you letter.

The friend was so pleased with the thank you
That he left a large tip after lunch.

The waiter, surprised by the size of the tip,
Gave part to a man on the street.

The man on the street was grateful;
For two days he'd had nothing to eat.

After he finished his dinner,
He left for his small dingy room.

He didn't know at that moment
that he might be facing his doom.

On the way he picked up a shivering puppy
And took him home to get warm.

The puppy was very grateful
To be in out of the storm.

That night the house caught on fire.
The puppy barked the alarm.

He barked till he woke the whole household
And saved everybody from harm.

One of the boys that he rescued
Grew up to be Upright President.

All this because of a simple smile
That hadn't cost a cent.

...and THAT is the power of a smile! So smile away :)

The Messenger of Allah Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "To smile in the company of your brother is charity. " (Bukhari)

Be part of Operation Smile...its Highly contagious!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

When a person fears Allah

When a person fears Allah, you can tell
You can see it in his face and in his eyes
In what he will cling to and what he will despise
In what is the center of his attraction
In how he defines the word satisfaction
In how he stops to think before an action
In how he hates spiritual distraction
In restless is his relaxation
In how remembrance of Allah is his favorite vacation

In how cautious is his enjoyment
In how particular he is about his employment
In the direction in which he casts his glances
In how when it comes to his soul, he doesn’t take chances
In the secretive way, he shares his money

In faith he finds a taste much sweeter than honey
In his poverty to Allah, he has found Richness in His Pleasure
In his emptying his heart in repentance, he has found forgiveness beyond measure
In his isolation with his Lord, he feels overwhelmed with the company of blessings

In his hatred of ignorance and fearing a return to a life of transgressing
In how taqwa is his leader, not his desires
In how clear and lofty are, the goals for which he aspires
In how he tames his stomach and incarcerates his tongue
In how readily he submits to the truth shows his love
In how he smiles at the believers and frowns at his sins

In how smooth and loving he is with his wife knowing that gentleness always wins
In how he ponders over the creation of his Lord, increasing in insight and joy!
Fortifying his faith with tawheed knowing what shirk can destroy
By Allah, I love this person and love to watch and count his ways
By Allah, I miss this person who seems so rare these days!


Monday, March 15, 2010

Lasting moments

Wash all the filth away and change my dead heart
Make me alive and give me a fresh start
So change my heart and wash all the filth away
Don’t leave me drowning here in lonely way
I spent my life running away from you
And now I have no way to turn except you
I turn to you and begging you to be saved
And change me to an obedient slave
I have been doing all my life what I craved
Shaytan and nafs had me always enslaved
Iam ashamed that I have broken your rules
Worhip my nafs and left you ignorantful
But now I know the path leading to these
I bow to you iam asking you to help me
I wish your name to be engraved in my heart
I will be greatful to you,change my dead heart
My heart is dark and so my eyes remain dry
Iam at your door and begging you let me in
Don’t push me back in my life of hopeless sins
U change my heart forgive my sins on this day
Don’t leave me drowning here in lonely way
Wash all the filth and change my dead heart
Make me alive and give me a fresh start

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Air Brushed

There she stands in front of the mirror,
her worst enemy because it shows her true reflection,
she tells herself she’s beautiful,
but she only sees imperfection,

hair brushed,
intoxicated with perfection,

they call it high fashion,
but I call it oppression.

She picks the brick house shade to put on her lips,
a little bit of glam, and those jeans that hug her hips,

with those red stilettos, she wants to work it out,
like Beyonce when she steps out,

she applies the lightening cream,
that dark skin, she needs to conceal,

hair brushed,
intoxicated with perfection,

they call it high fashion,
but I call it oppression.

Maybe she’s born with it,
that’s what she wants you to think,
as she struts past the men,
she’s fooled them again.

She passes by her enemy, who is now her supporter,
takes a quick look, and it doesn’t disappoint her,

a slave to the pretty, a slave to her beauty,
never pleased with anything,
so reaching perfection is her duty,

her Deen is about the looks and vogue is her qur’an,
her tawaf is at sephora, and her ramadan in milan,

hair brushed,
intoxicated with perfection,

They call it high fashion,
but I call it oppression.

We pass by each other on the street,
she looks to me,
me to her,
but she doesn’t fool me,
behind the fake facade.

She thinks she is free,
but her shackles are apparent to me,
we’re both slaves, but the difference,
you see,

is that my worship is real, and hers is imitation,
my servitude is my freedom, my deen is my motivation,
but her servitude is artificial, a knock off salvation,

if you’re not a slave of Allah,
you’ll be a slave of some other,
so I submit to the Creator,
I don’t answer to another,

hair brushed,
intoxicated with perfection,

They call it high fashion,
but I call it oppression.

- Amatullah is a writer and wannabe poet, who shares the khayr at and

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I am a sinner, yet I repent

Say: "O 'Ibadi (My slaves) who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah, verily Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.(39:53) = )...

I am sinner yet then I repent
that makes a winner
Some people say that I 'm bad
That get 's me real sad
Shaytan tries get 's the best of me I try not to get mad
My dad always say your friends are who you are

everyday same old story
dress to impress to the club
pick up my date
oh yea it's time to rate how good she looks good or bad
when I 'm going to find good mate
that will lead me to the gat of jannah
I better take her home before it's too late

I am sinner yet then I repent
that makes a winner
Some people say that I 'm bad
That get 's me real sad
Shaytan tries get 's the best of me I try not to get mad
My dad always say your friends are who you are

The next day shoot some hoops with the boys
Talk about girls as if they were toys you
Talk about how fine that girl with that tight skirt that shows her big ol booty
Oh man!Check out her tight white shirt that shows her big boobs
Oh yea! and it's see through
You approach her not caring about her name
You just wanted spit your game
Shoo that 's pretty lame
what type of fame do you get from that?

I am sinner yet then I repent
that makes a winner
Some people say that I 'm bad
That get 's me real sad
Shaytan tries get 's the best of me I try not to get mad
My dad always say your friends are who you are

had nightmare last night
Seen Tupac in my dream saying hellfire it hot like motha
Jumped out of my bed out of fear
I knew my death was so near
Never took the chance to hear The beautiful recitation Al-Qur 'an kareem
I knew this was wake up call
time to stop smoking all the weed
That didn't bring any good deeds
never did I ever feed A Miskeen

I am sinner yet then I repent
that makes a winner
Some people say that I 'm bad
That get 's me real sad
Shaytan tries get 's the best of me I try not to get mad
My dad always say your friends are who you are.

Written by Sister K.Khana

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Priorities in life

By Zahed bin Ghulaam

Busy, busy, busy is on everyone's tongue
Like a number one song, a million times sung
Running around crazy, as rational as a clown
Confusion and mayhem, things are upside down

Something is missing, something not quite right
Something so obvious, like black on white
My heart is agitated and in a state of suspense
As I try and define it, only an absence I sense

Life seems to have no purpose any longer
As I seek the elusive fame, status and wonga!
Laugh you may, but we're in the same boat
Chasing a dream which is misleading and remote

Surely mankind has a real purpose to serve
Surely there is something better we deserve
Better than the rich kid, respected and cool?
Designer cloths, fast car, a penthouse with a pool?

Better than parting and chilling with the boys?
Mobile phones, laptops, x-box and fancy toys?
Definitely there is more to life than these
To real happiness these are not the keys

We must wake up and we must get wise
There is something better, we must realize
Take a few deep breaths and deeply think
Because into your heart the truth must sink

The big problem is - our priorities are wrong
Everything has a place in which it belongs
So re-arrange things in their proper layers
First on the list is the daily prayers

Don't take it lightly -Salah must be completed
And day in day out, it must be repeated
Even if you are travelling or have ill-health
Or are tired and old or are busy getting wealth

The Salah is the link you must never neglect
This is the golden rule you must respect
It separates the Muslims from the rest of mankind
And by this Salah, the Muslims are defined

Bowing and prostrating, the prophet prayed
In performing the Salah, he never delayed
Before his maker, the prophet would stand
Submitting to and followed every command

In this spiritual ecstasy hours would pass by
And many tears from his eyes he would cry
Asking for guidance and forgiveness for all
And asking for mankind to accept the call

If we follow this example, we will also succeed
so for true guidance, we should also plead
We should turn to Salah, at our times of need
And only towards goodness this will lead

All the rest of the problems will disappear
And true peace and happiness will appear
The salah will embrace the soul like a friend
Things will come together - all wounds will mend

All the missing pieces will fall in their place
And this life on Earth, we will truly embrace
The link with Allah will not be broken,
This is the promise that Allah has spoken

To pray the Salah, don't ever forget
To pray the salah, you must always respect
To pray the salah, you must never neglect
To pray the Salah, to Allah will connect.

Your right priorities have to be defined
and chasing shadows, you must leave behind
In praying your Salah, success you will find
With contentment in life and peace of mind

Dedicated to brothers and sisters who knows that they need to start praying more regular (including me). May Allah give us all the guidance and strength to prioritise our lives properly and through His mercy attain success in this life and in the hereafter (ameen).

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Jewish Soldier and a 4 year Palestinian girl

From the diary of an almost 4-year old Palestinian girl who lost her eye to a bullet.

Tomorrow the bandages will come off,
I wonder, will I see half an oven? Half an apple?
Half my mother's face with my one remaining eye?

I did not see the bullet
But felt its pain exploding in my head.
his image did not disintegrate
The soldier with his big gun and steady hands
And the look in his eyes I could not understand
If I can see him so clearly with my eyes closed,

It could be that inside our heads
We each have one spare set of eyes
To make up for the ones we lose.

Next month, on my birthday
I'll have a brand new glass eye
Maybe things will look round and fat at the middle.
I gaze through all my marbles,
They make the world look strange.

I hear a nine-month-old has also lost an eye,
I wonder if my soldier shot her too,
A soldier looking for little girls who look him in the eye.
I'm old enough, almost four,
I've seen enough of life
But she's just a baby
Who didn't know any better

By Hanan Mikhael Ashrawi

Friday, January 29, 2010

I am a Muslim, but only by Name

I am a Muslim, but only by name
When it comes to practicing, what a shame!

It's alright if I occasionally lie
Yes I practice, BUT when it suits me
Or more to the point, when it pleases society.
If I show my ankles, they'll point and laugh
They'll think it's too short and reckon I'm daft.
If I trim my moustache and grow the beard
They'll reckon I'm a fanatic or something weird.
If I wear the sunnah I'll get great reward
But the Kuffaar will look down on me, that I can't afford.

Yes I'm a Muslim, but only by name
I make excuses which I admit are rather lame.
Yes I'm a sane man and I'm on the right track
Who am I kidding, I feel like a right jack!
To hide my inferiority complex I protest it's unimportant
Though my heart screams to tell me I'm a blatant fraudulent
The best thing is no-one can hear what's going on inside
People think I've got it made and with my life I'm satisfied.
But I'm afraid this is a fable and it's a pure deception
I have no peace of mind but this I daren't even mention.
If I remain ignorant it's OK, 'cos then I don't have to practice
Yes I'm conniving and these are baseless evil tactics.
But I read the Kalima and I think I have Imaan
I can't help my attitude - I was placed in a Kufrstaan.
Yes I'm a Muslim, but only by name

And with my precious life I'm playing a foolish disastrous game!

A little Muslim from Palestine
I’ll always be a contender
Yes I know my bones are very tender
And by Allah you won’t see me surrender
Look at my eyes/ you’ll see no butterflies
My home is filled with cries …….due to all the lost lives
But I swear by Allah I’ll never compromise
I’ll still throw the stones even with my broken bones
Why can’t I hear from you, don’t you have any phones?
Yes I forgot, you’re not on the chase, try it out and put your self in my place

Soon I’ll return to my lord, the one that deserves every grace
Oh you don’t have to worry because of me you’ll find no trace
You could have sent me at least one dinner plate
I guess it is my fate
It really is to late, why did you wait
And la ilaha ill Allah is my mate

The simple message of Islam

By Zahid bin Ghulam

This life we are told is indeed a test
so every nation with prophets was blessed
124 thousand we learn from Hadith
prophets came with the message of peace

They had the same message, Allah is one
he has no partners and has no son
Do good deeds and worship your Lord,
help the needy with what you can afford

David, Jesus, Abraham, Moses and more
are some of the prophets that came before
They were only men we mustn't confuse
selected by Allah to bring the good news

After these Prophets had passed away
people got mixed up and went astray
They changed the message to suit their needs
worshipped idols and start bad deeds

Another Prophet Allah would send
and their way of life he would amend
This pattern repeated again and again
until Muhammed the final messenger came

A madman, a poet, a magician or what
all of the above he was not
His honesty and character they had all seen
this pure noble soul they called Al-Amin

Muhammed the truthful, was indeed sincere
Allah's final messenger to many it was clear
He had been appointed to guide mankind
to illuminate ignorant hearts so blind

The message was beautiful and so pure
to the hearts of mankind the wisdom did lure
It filled their lives with love and compassion
Muhammed words? No it can only be revelation

The prophet himself could not read or write
yet Allah gave him this illuminating light
It entered their hearts purifying their souls
and the faithful scribes wrote it on scrolls

In Ramadan the whole Quran was recited and said
even today by millions of Muslims it is read
Every word was recorded like the prophet was told
the exact same message fourteen hundred years old

The Quran is now for all mankind a guide,
it can never be changed and will forever abide,
Its a promise of Allah - an undisputed fact
the message sent to Muhammed will remain intact

No more idols or lords we should erect
the oneness of Allah we should respect
Part of the first pillar known as Tawheed
recited la-illah ha illallah the Muslim creed

We should pray Salah like the prophet taught
and ask for Allah's help like the Prophet sought
To taqwah and unity this will indeed give rise
the second pillar of Islam, the spiritual exercise

We must fast in the whole month of Ramadan
and do good deeds as many as we can
This gift of life we begin to appreciate
by not drinking or eating not even a date

Ramadan is a month Muslims eagerly await
peace, unity and happiness it does create
removing the blinkers a fresh outlook we see
this wonderful month, pillar number three

Some of our wealth we give to those in need
the homeless and hungry we must try and feed
The poor are helped much by this gift so small
this is called Zakat the fourth pillar so tall

To visit the Kabaah, the house of Allah
every Muslim must travel from near and far
Once in a lifetime this great journey we make
the final pillar, a tough task we undertake

The rich, the poor, the black and the white
the male, the female equal in Allah's sight
From all walks of life to hajj they all came
standing before Allah they are all the same

To always be good and honest we must try
we need to remember one day we will die
Only a very small time we can spend here
then we must leave this world so dear

We will be asked about the life we spent
if we did good to heaven we will be sent
this will be decided on the Judgment day
and in heaven or hell we will forever stay

No more guides or prophets will be sent again
instead we have the Quran so deep yet plain
If we get confused to the Quran we turn
a message from the most high from which to learn

For all mankind and forever more
wisdom and teachings it does store
To eternal life it opens the door
the words of our creator that we cant ignore

There are millions of Muslims in the world today
the fastest growing religion experts say
Together to the one true God Muslims Pray
by following the Quran, its only Allah we Obey

Saturday, January 2, 2010

O Single Muslim !

-By UmmGhareebah

O single Muslim!
How chaste are you!
While others engage in haraam and fulfill their desires,
You shun the many calls to sin,
For fear of the hellfire!

O single Muslim!
How modest are you!
While others are 'alone',
They loose their fear of Allah,
But alone or not, you lower your gaze,
Refusing to look at haraam!

O single Muslim!
How sensible are you!
While others waste away their hours watching bollywold flicks,
You spend it worshipping Allah,
Fasting and increasing in ilm!

O single Muslim!
How devoted are you!
While others memorize lyrics to the latest songs,
You make an effort to memorize duaas and Quran!

O single Muslim!
How upright are you!
While others foolishly throw Quran and Sunnah to the side,
You strive to learn and implement them both into your life!

O single Muslim!
How blessed are you!
While others gossip,
And partake in useless matters,
You spend your time reflecting,
And preparing for the herafter!

O single Muslim!
How aware are you!
While others fall for the first person who plays the sweet card,
You know the tricks of shaytan,
And remain constantly on guard!

O Single Muslim!
How steadfast are you!
While others loose their modesty and dignity along the way,
You remain chaste and honorable,
And your sabr only increases each day!

O single Muslim!
How fortunate are you!
While others rack up sins for forming illicit relationships,
You gain reward from Allah for your trials and hardships!

O single Muslim!
How intelligent are you!
While some make marriage their ultimate goal,
You know it's only a means,
To reach the final abode!

O single muslim,
How wise are you!
While others desire spouses,
With only beauty and riches,
You desire an upright person,
With good character and religion!

O single Muslim,
How successful are you!
While others spend their time in grief,
Regretting their foolishness and haste,
For your steadfasteness and patience:
Allah grants you one of His most righteous slaves!

And O single Muslim,
How honored are you!
While others who lived in sin,
Will be humiliated on Qiyamah,
You will be granted honor and shade,
On the Day when there is NO shade,
Except under the throne of ALLAH!


Friday, January 1, 2010

A talk with self

Oh my self what will calm you?
Can’t you remain patient for a day or two?
I try to contain you but your strength overpowers
But when we die life will seem like hours
So can’t you be patient for part of a day?
And remain steadfast upon the straight way?
The direction you’re taking leads to my worst fears
Of the day we stand for fifty thousand years
No one will joke nor talk nor smile
And the sun from our heads will be at a mile
Nowhere to hide and nowhere to flee
Standing for what seems an eternity
Then the judgment begins and the books will land
Either on your right or your left hand

Oh my self …
Do not become like those who left the right track
And put their left hands behind their back
Oh self how do you plan to cross the sirat suspended in the air?
Craftier than a fox, sharper than a sword and thinner than a hair?
How do you plan to cross? Or will you cross at all?
The blink of an eye? Run? Or would you rather crawl?
The bad deeds you command will drop you from it
And only good deeds put you back upon it
Oh self it’s a five hundred year-drop suspension
Over a terrible place I’d rather not mention

Oh self…
Do not be fooled by this world and its illusions
And keep in mind judgment, the grave and other conclusions
Oh self wake up! Don’t follow your desire
And ask for forgiveness to avoid the fire
Oh self keep the commands and avoid prohibitions
And pay close attention to these admonitions
Be amongst those who were the best of planners
Who prepared for the future with good deeds and good manners

Oh self...
it is simply about your control
Being patient now so as to reach your goal
I don’t mean to put a burden, or put much stress
Just to warn of a day when the limbs confess
Sins add up as you live through the years
Then sadness won’t save you and nor will the tears
Every time you sin the Shaytan is winning
So remember the One against Whom you’re sinning

Oh my self…
Life is short and ends when you least expect it
And then what will you say when you’re resurrected?
The angel of death overlooked you and took the souls of your brothers
And one day he’ll come to you and overlook others
For great rewards plant the righteous seeds
Oh Allah, I seek refuge from the evil of my self and from the evil of my deeds